otein is All You Need
A healthy diet will contain three macronutrients: Carbohydrates, healthy Fat, and Protein. While diets containing carbohydrates and fat are the subject of controversy in regard to their benefits, everyone agrees protein is only beneficial, but what Kind of protein do you need in your diet? Or that there is more than one type of protein, and some of them are bad for you? In this article, we discuss the benefits of a high-protein diet, not just any clean protein.
What is Clean Protein?
Clean protein is uncontaminated, produced sustainably, and ethically, free from antibiotics, hormones, and pesticides.
And Yes clean protein can be derived from animal sources and any protein coming from whole plant foods, such as beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and so on, you’ll definitely want to make sure your protein intake comes from one of these sources because according to Harvard Health Publishing, many popular powdered proteins, which are the go to if you want to inject protein into your diet, are littered with risky additives that include:
- Sugar
- Excess calories
- Potentially harmful chemicals
The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you have clean protein, an excellent example would be whey, which holds in it plenty of benefits in the long term Once you commit to it as your primary protein source.
Clean Protein in Relation to Dieting and Weight
Suppose you’re trying to commit to a diet. In that case, you’re either losing weight or putting on muscle mass, diet options could be overwhelming, and trends arise every day but don’t follow the hype, stick to the scientifically proven high protein diets that have proven their robustness and competence with regard to boosting metabolism by up to 80-100 calories a day if you’re looking to lose weight. But you could be looking to put on muscle mass, in that case, also head towards a high protein diet to gain benefit from the proven increases in muscle mass you’ll gain, according to numerous studies. High protein diets have proven themselves to be versatile enough to adapt to any fitness goal, minus all the hassle of adopting a new trendy diet with overwhelming options to pick from.
Clean Protein: Surprising Health Benefits
If you’re adopting a diet, you’re probably going to be doing a lot of exercises, exercise poses the risk of injury, which is especially the case as we age, protein has been proven to help maintain bone mass, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, but the more surprising benefit of protein is that it can even help you after an injury, research has proven protein to aid the recovery process of numerous bone injuries by providing your body with what it needs to heal and recover more effectively.
Clean Protein: Combating Dangerous Eating Habits
Did you know that protein could be the solution to your late-night snacking problem? Or binge eating? Scientific research has proven that it reduces late-night cravings by half! Ask anyone who has suffered from such issues and they’ll tell you how significant that is, but that’s a specific benefit, did you know that protein could also be the only appetite suppressant you need? If what you need is to stop overeating, protein can help reduce the level of the hormone hunger in your body (ghrelin) as well as boost the levels of peptide YY, this will reduce your appetite and make you feel full simultaneously, as you reap the numerous other benefits from protein in your diet.
Clean protein Against High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is no laughing manner, it can lead to:
- Heart attacks
- Strokes
Protein Against Chronic kidney disease
If you’re in the process of adopting a healthier lifestyle to combat high blood pressure, protein is here again for the rescue, which is scientifically proven to help lower systolic blood pressure as well as reduce cholesterol and triglycerides levels, what can’t protein do?
If you’re looking for immediate health benefits or long-term longevity, a high clean protein intake in your diet will fill all the boxes you need on your list towards a healthier lifestyle, at the lowest cost you can find, what are you waiting for? Pick up a clean
protein and let your body revel in marvelous health and prosperity!